Where are you?
I know, I cannot bring you back,
But, your presence tells me otherwise:
The silence, needing to be filled,
And, every stray joke, or song, which brings your solidity back,
Making Merry, while feeling guilty.
Time is moving too quickly.
I want to let it run backwards, in dreams...with coffee,
Early morning, and pale light;
I want to hold back the heavy cloak, wrapped tightly round my chilled shoulders,
And, begin to breathe again.
I miss you, so much...
And yet, there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.
This little book...so powerful,
Teaching me how,
To let go.
Where are you?
I'm expecting you to return,STILL;
STILL hold out a futile DREAM,
Clinging to your possessions...your memory,
In order to keep myself sane.
i must give MYSELF Time,
And use it wisely.
"Life is for the living," People say.
But, Where am I,
As I wait for you?----
Learning, so slowly,
Just how to Let Go.